Broadway Improvements

City of Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Horner & Shifrin performed design improvements to Broadway, a long downtown thoroughfare in the City of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.


Horner & Shifrin was chosen to improve Broadway from Pacific Street to Water Street, approximately 3,500 feet. The project included milling and overlaying of the existing roadway, removing and replacing sidewalks, removing and replacing curbs and gutters, and relocation of overhead utility lines.

Decorative streetscape elements include unique streetlights, street trees and wells, benches, trash receptacles, street signs, sidewalk pavers, stamped concrete, crosswalks, intersection and midblock bulb outs.

Two public meetings were held to gain insight from the citizens regarding the project improvements. Two options were developed based on feedback, and the selected option is a combination of the two.




Site Size

3,500 ft


Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Year Completed


Innovation. Agility.
Reliability. Horner & Shifrin.