Company Culture

Horner & Shifrin encourages a strong work-life balance through flexible schedules and company-sponsored activities, such as happy hours, daytime baseball games and family outings.

Collaborative Workforce

As a multidisciplinary professional services firm, Horner & Shifrin is often selected to provide expertise in multiple disciplines on a single project. Employees working in different departments pool their resources, working together to foster innovation and save our clients time and money. With four generations of engineers, technicians, and support staff working side by side, a career at Horner & Shifrin gives anyone starting in the field a chance to learn from those around them.

Dedication to Longevity and Growth

Horner & Shifrin sees its employee-owners as the unique individuals they are, playing to their strengths and nurturing their talent to achieve both personal professional success and success for the company. As a result of this unique approach to talent management, H&S enjoys an average employee tenure of 9.5 years, more than 2 1/2x the average US private-sector average of 3.7 years*.


*from the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics news release Employee Tenure in 2022 (USDL-22-1894)

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