Lincoln Trail Sidewalk Reconstruction

City of Fairview Heights, Illinois


Horner & Shifrin was selected to prepare plans, specifications, and estimates for the reconstruction of sidewalk along the south side of Lincoln Trail within the City of Fairview Heights, Illinois. The project, broken into 3 phases, begins at the intersection of Lincoln Trail and IL Route 159 and extends westerly to Union Hill Rd.  Lincoln Trail is under IDOT’s jurisdiction so close coordination was necessary to achieve a permit to perform work in the Department’s right-of-way. The existing facility had gaps and non-PROWAG-compliant curb ramps and sidewalk sections throughout the corridor. New compliant ramps, driveway entrances, sidewalks, and relocated pedestrian signals were designed. Deliverables included Right-of-Way Exhibits, Plans, Specifications, and Estimates of Cost & Time. Phase 1 (IL 159 to Ruby Lane) was completed July 2016; Phase 2 (Ruby Lane to Catherine Drive) was completed November 2018; Phase 3 was completed in 2019.


Project Scope




Fairview Heights, Illinois

Year Completed


Innovation. Agility.
Reliability. Horner & Shifrin.