Horner & Shifrin provided engineering services for the facility condition assessment for the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District’s (YBSD) wastewater treatment plant. YBSD operates a single Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), designed to treat 3.62 million gallons per day (MGD), with a peak flow of 6.14 MGD. The facility was originally constructed in 1958, and has been expanded over the years to its present size with significant additions/upgrades in 1972, 1990, 2001, and 2017. YBSD has initiated an assessment to determine the condition wastewater treatment plant which provided a foundation for planning investments in the plant for the next 20 years.
H&S performed a field assessment and collected condition information utilizing pre-prepared inspection forms in GIS format, documented the component’s condition from visual observations, documented the asset with a photograph. The facility was reviewed from an architectural, structural, electrical, and process perspective with licensed staff in each discipline. We followed a prescribed path (with guidance by YBSD staff) through the plant, annotating and photographically documenting our inspection activities utilizing iPads with inspection forms preloaded and with the capability of obtaining georeferenced photographs.
The evaluation included conformance to the Yorkville Building Code, OSHA, NEC, NFPA 820, and NFPA 70E Signage. We reviewed process safety management plans, emergency response plans, SPCC, Tier II reports, and OSHAs Globally Harmonized System for chemical classification and labeling to determine if gaps are occurring between District Plans/Procedures and with respect to local and national codes/standards.
H&S documented the findings utilizing a numerical rating system of 1 to 5 for the condition of the asset:
– Rating 1 is considered very good – only normal maintenance required
– Rating 2 is considered good – minor maintenance required
– Rating 3 is considered fair – significant maintenance required
– Rating 4 is considered poor – significant renewal/upgrade required
– Rating 5 is considered very poor – over 50% of the asset requires replacement
An implementation schedule for the projects to be completed in the next 20 years using a planning level (30% contingency) estimate of costs for improvements/replacements was prepared. The schedule of improvements were evaluated based on condition, expected remaining life of the asset, and improving life safety / code issues. Implementation was phased into three times periods:
Near Term (NT) – 0 to 4 years;
Intermediate Term (IT) – 5 to 9 years; and
Long Term (LT) – 10 to 20 years.